SERGIO FIORENTINO The Early Recordings 1 - The Contemplative Liszt

Volume 1
"Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen Präludium • Consolations 1- 6
Nuage gris • La lugubre gondola (1st & 2nd versions) • R.W. - Venezia
4 Kleine Klavierstücke • Elegie No.2 • Dem Andenken Petöfis
Schlafos! Frage und Antwort • Unstern! Sinistre, disastro?

This memorable disc forms a moving and retrospective tribute to Sergio Fiorentino... and suggests throughout a timeless veracity and compliance between creator and re-creator, between composer and pianist. [The] refurbishment has done wonders for the sound and the performances are of the rarest inwardness and delicacy. IPQ (UK)
