VALERIE TRYON plays Mozart, Schubert & Schumann

W. A. MOZART Piano Sonata in B flat major K333
F. SCHUBERT Piano Sonata in A major D664
R. SCHUMANN Fantasie in C Op.17

This attractive recital of masterworks from the piano repertiore shows off Valerie Tryon’s skill to the full. Her elegance is perfect for Mozart and the poetry of the Schubert and Schumann pieces is equally well caught in performaces to match the best.

Since Valerie’s move to Canada she has rather slipped from the limelight in the UK where she used to be a stalwart of the BBC recording studio and a regular guest with orchestras across the land, however, as her recent release of Mendelssohn shows (Julian Haylock described it as ‘without doubt the finest Mendelssohn recital ever recorded’ (Classic FM magazine)), it is perhaps our loss.

APR5599 Available on Compact Disc only